Why Young People Should Aspire To Be Fathers & Husbands | Dear Alexander #44

Alexander Emmanual Sandalis
2 min readDec 24, 2022

I used to be apathetic to being a father and having a family.

I find fulfilment and meaning in my life’s mission — in ‘the work’— in contributing to the world and conquering.

While I still believe this to be true, it is primarily a selfish endeavour gratifying my own obsession to work hard and conquer.

I‘m learning there is a more important responsibility to bear.

It’s not the one I want, as much as the one that needs to be done.

This is the duty of being a father and husband.

It is very easy to chase what I desire.

As a generalisation, no children means maximal freedom, more time, less responsibility, better sleep, better productivity, more stability and control and more certainty in the future.

This is what I want.

Then there’s the biological argument that a highs status man has the opportunity to sleep with a range of women instead of settling with one mate.

That too sounds like a fun adventure of indulgence.

But ultimately this is a completely self-orientated existence.

A life that fulfils hedonism and instant gratification over duty and responsibility.

To me, life should be about more than what you desire.



Alexander Emmanual Sandalis

Self-reflective writings & book summaries on philosophy, psychology and human behaviour. Video’s + podcast → youtube.com/emmanualalexander