22 One Time Life-Changing Choices for Life-Long ROI

What’s the 80/20 of easy one time choices that create compounding value over time?

Alexander Emmanual Sandalis
2 min readJan 12, 2022
  1. Get a water filter
  2. Use smaller plates to reduce caloric intake or use larger plates to increase caloric intake.
  3. Get blackout curtains, eye masks, wear blue blockers at night, install blue-blocking apps and red globes in lamps to improve sleep.
  4. Get garden plants for the home to clean the air and provide a calming beautiful environment.
  5. Remove TVs from all bedrooms.
  6. Turn off all notifications on your phone (at a minimum all social media apps).
  7. Get a dog (maybe a cat).
  8. Buy a standing desk and foldable desk treadmill.
  9. Unfollow all accounts on social media that trigger negative emotions and neuroticism.
  10. Order all groceries online for pick up or delivery to minimise shopping for incessant items and dozens of hours per year.
  11. Disable auto-play on all streaming services and YouTube to minimise mindless watching.
  12. Delete all food delivery apps if you’re ordering too much take out every week.
  13. Enable 2-factor authentication on all accounts possible.
  14. Use a password manager.
  15. Change all passwords to randomly generated complex passwords.



Alexander Emmanual Sandalis

Self-reflective writings & book summaries on philosophy, psychology and human behaviour. Video’s + podcast → youtube.com/emmanualalexander